Saturday, 23 July 2011

Sehrish Naeem - Top 5 Job Interview Tips for IT Professionals

Sehrish Naeem says 

Ever wonder how your friend — the one who knows way less than you and who always got worse grades in school — got the job you wanted? You have the same college degree, the same certifications; even your work experience is surprisingly comparable. This means your resumes are practically identical and include very similar information. So how did he do it? Why did he get hired and you didn’t? And how can you get the job you want?

Well, it’s not easy. But if you follow these 5 job interview tips for IT professionals you can increase your chances. Here’s how to show your prospective employer that you’re smarter, more qualified, professional and most importantly — that you’re the best fit for the job.

Tip #1: Get a Resume that Sells

You’re probably thinking: yeah, yeah … who doesn’t know this. Right? And it’s true; everyone knows that a well written resume is an absolute must have. But a lot of us still forget about this very important step. We settle for a resume that’s just "good enough" and don’t bother to spend the extra time perfecting it. And think about it … your resume, in a way, is the first impression that you’ll make on a prospective employer.

Why would you want to miss out on this opportunity?

Your resume needs to show the employer that you can do the job you’re applying for and that you have the required knowledge and experience to the job well. You also need to show that you will fit in with the rest of the team and that you have something to contribute.
If you’re looking to improve your resume

Tip #2: Don’t Forget to Do Your Research

Before you apply for any position you need to do some serious research about the company itself. Find out what the company is all about, what they’re looking for in the position that you’re interested in applying for and what is expected of the person who fills this position.

Taking the time to investigate the history of the company, the products and/or services that they provide, and their main competitors will not only be valuable when you interview for the job, but will help you to decide if this particular company is right for you. After all, your desire for the perfect job is just as important as the company’s desire for a perfect employee.

To find valuable information about the company you’re applying with, you can simply do a Google search and see what you can find. If not a lot of information is available online, try finding some newspapers and trade publications that cover the company (ask your librarian for help if you need it).

Tip #3: Practice Makes Perfect!

Being prepared for all possible interview questions is probably the best thing you can do for your confidence. So make sure to practice answering those tough interview questions before you’re put on the spot in front of your boss-to-be.

Of course, not all questions can be anticipated but if you’ve been to a few interviews you start to get a feel for what kind of information you will be quizzed on. At most interviews, you will see these three types of questions:
1.     general and fairly straightforward questions regarding your experience, education, your work habits, even your personality — all intended to help the employer get to know you better
2.     technical and information related questions — to test you on your knowledge and to see if you really know what you say you know
3.     trick questions — and these can get though — they’re asked to see how you think under pressure, if you can think out of the box and to basically weed out the people who look good on paper but can’t think for themselves

Tip #4: Professionalism is Key

The way you talk, the way you dress, the way you act … even your email address — it all needs to be professional. Don’t, under any circumstance, use or any other silly email address. It takes only a minute to sign up for a new one so make the extra effort and get an email address that’s professional.

For best results
use your name, and if you have to, add a number to it.
What you wear at your interview is also very important and if you neglect this it might just cost you the job. My advice: dress your best for every interview, no matter what the dress code at the company is. Your grooming also plays a big role; your haircut, hair color, piercings, tattoos, even excessive jewelry can make a negative impression on your prospective employer.

So even though your Mom is used to your nose ring and pink hair, the person interviewing you will see you in a different light.

Here are a few tips on how to look professional without spending a lot of money:

Tips for Women

·         Go for a conservative look; choose solid colors
·         Long sleeves are best
·         Go for conservative heels and skin colored hosiery
·         Limit your jewelry, your makeup and your perfume – remember less is more
·         Pay attention to details; make sure your hair looks professional and that your nails are manicured (skip the bright red and pink polish)
·         And ladies, leave your purse at home or in the car — carry a portfolio or a briefcase instead

Tips for Men
·         Choose solid colors and a conservative suit
·         White, long sleeved shirt is best and a conservative, silk tie
·         Wear dark socks and clean, professional shoes — no sneakers!
·         Make sure your hair is neat (and preferably short) and that your nails are trimmed
·         A fresh shave is a must, but go easy on the aftershave
·         And limit your jewelry — no necklaces and definitely no earrings

SEHRISH IRUM Bonus Tips for both Women and Men

·         If you have facial piercings or tattoos try to remove them or cover them up for the interview
·         Leave the cigarettes, gum and candy in the car — and to be safe empty your pockets completely this will eliminate bulges and noisy change
·         Bring a portfolio or a small briefcase for some extra copies of your resume
·         Make sure your clothes — including your shoes — are neat, pressed, clean and polished!

And remember it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed and looking professional will never fail you.

Tip #5: Be On Time and Be Prepared

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and being punctual and ready for an interview are vital. You know that transportation can be unreliable so plan to be at your interview at least 15 minutes early.

Have an extra copy of your resume handy, along with a backup pen and a notepad in case you need to take some notes or jot something down. Make sure to go through your resume and be prepared to discuss everything that’s on it.

This might sound obvious, but you should be ready to explain exactly what you did at your last job and remember which courses you took, especially if you’re a recent grad. So if this is your first — or 100th –job interview, make sure that you’re ready to talk about yourself, about what you experienced and accomplished and how you can make a difference at the new company.

Bonus Tip: Stay Positive and Be Yourself!

This is probably the most important tip so keep this in mind during your interview: no matter what happens always stay positive and enthusiastic. Focus on the positives – your achievements and successes and show your employer that you are excited about the opportunity to get this job.

Trust me on this.
I landed my first job out of college thanks to a positive attitude.
After I got hired my boss told me that the other applicants had more experience and were more qualified, but I was so excited and eager about this job that she just knew I would be the best person for it.

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