Friday, 5 August 2011

SEHRISH NAEEM - Four Steps To A Powerful 2012

Sehrish Naeem Says: 

The Vision Setting Process

One powerful way to celebrate 2011 and get ready for 2012 is to follow this simple four step process:

Appreciate Your Successes: review what went well in the previous year and celebrate your successes

Unleash Your Imagination: step aside from what you think is possible, and create you life as if there were no boundaries!

Create Your Vision: move from your ideal fantasy vision of what you’d love to create to a concrete description of exactly what you plan to accomplish in the next year

Validate and Commit: celebrate your vision for this year and the years ahead. Validate that this vision is what you actually want to achieve – and are prepared to commit to.

Each step in this process creates the energy and momentum for the next.

As we reflect over the year and appreciate our successes, this brings to mind our strengths so that we can build on them – and puts us in the right state of mind for vision setting. 
What were some of your successes or ‘wins’ for 2011? Just write them in the comment field

This leads us naturally to the next step, which is to consider what our life would ideally be like, if there were no constraints. How would you create your life and business if there were no obstacles? What would you do?  
What would you consider important?

Next we return to what we actually want to plan for and create.
 What is your vision in 5 years time? In 1 years time?

Finally, we reflect on the vision. How does it feel. Is there anything you’d change? Is it something you will commit to?

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