Friday, 7 December 2012

Sehrish Naeem - Find a Job During Holiday Season

This is a busy time of year, with holiday parties to attend, enormous meals to plan, shopping to be done, and visiting family members to entertain. The holidays can be stressful all by themselves. But what do you do if you're also looking for a job?

Most job seekers delay those efforts until after the New Year. They take time off when they should be making the most of this time. Many believe the myths that no one hires during the holidays, and that everyone takes a break from business to focus on family and festivities. Don't fall into this trap.

Despite the high unemployment rate, negative media and political messages, and cautious job-market growth, the best gift you can give yourself this holiday season is a successful job search. Use this time of year to your advantage and start the New Year off with a new job.
Navigating a job search is never easy, but here are the top 10 reasons why now is the time to renew your job search.

Less Competition -- Many job seekers take a break during the holidays, which means your competition for job opportunities is a fraction of what it is during the rest of the year. Fewer applications mean a greater chance of your résumé getting noticed and rising to the top of the pile.

Tight Deadlines -- Many organizations need to make critical hiring decisions by Dec. 31 in order to meet their approved budget deadlines and allow the new employee to start in early January. Their sense of urgency to complete the hiring process by year-end is a great advantage to job seekers.

Better Networking -- There are an abundance of parties and social gatherings, otherwise known as prime networking opportunities. Keeping that in mind will help keep the drinking to a minimum. Remember, even if it's a party, you're still working.

More Time -- Things are usually slower at work, and if you're an employed job seeker, it gives you more time to look for a new job. Take a few extra minutes on your breaks to browse Internet job sites, research companies and send out résumés. However, be aware that many employers track Internet use.

Feeling Social -- People are filled with the holiday spirit, are more relaxed and are more willing to answer their own phones, return emails, and get together for coffee and cocktails. Take the initiative and make some plans.

Get Connected -- Holiday cards are a great way to keep in touch with quality connections, reconnect with recruiters, and stay on the radar of important decision makers. Make sure to add new names to your holiday list as well as keep the old.

Be Prepared -- Use the downtime wisely to research companies and industries, update your stale résumé, send invitations to connect on LinkedIn, and position yourself for the busiest hiring month of January. Doing a little to further your job search during the holidays is always better than doing nothing.

New Opportunities -- Employees take time off during the holidays, which creates additional opportunities for part-time, contract or temporary assignments that get your foot in the door and showcase your strengths. Say yes to a new opportunity and you might be pleasantly surprised.

Greater Giving -- In the spirit of giving, there are countless opportunities to volunteer your time and talents to help others during a difficult time. In turn, volunteering helps job seekers gain perspective about others in need, feel useful and productive, network, make new connections.

Stay Engaged -- Keeping the job search going strong during the holiday season also keeps the momentum going and demonstrates your tenacity, determination and commitment to finding a new job. You'll be light years ahead of other job seekers as they feebly attempt to re-energize their job search in January.

It's hard to imagine adding one more thing to your holiday plate, but there¹s still plenty of room for a job search. Even if you send out only a few résumés, or add only a couple of new connections on LinkedIn, the goal is to not abandon your job search completely. Celebrate not only the holiday season, but also the small successes you're making towards your job search.

Even while the eggnog is flowing, the lights are twinkling and your neighbors are caroling, it's critical to stay focused and engaged in your job search. It's possible, and strongly recommended, to enjoy the holidays and to conduct a positive and successful job search at the same time. Give yourself the best gift of the season -- a new job.

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