Thursday 9 June 2011

Sehrish Naeem - A Global Platform for HR Professionals

Sehrish Naeem is a prestigious Global HR Association and dynamic professional network of HR Experts, focused on advancing the development of human resource professionals. Sehrish Naeem Blog is for those who want to share ideas on emergence of Global HR forum, new trends, strategies, news and HR issues. Human Resource management related news,views,jobs,internships,trainings,workshops,seminars,forums and other activities all over the world.

This Blog is for people who are associated with HR profession specially to discuss ideas, issues and techniques within the profession. Also for both young and experienced HR professionals to get together at one platform and learn by sharing their knowledge and experiences in respective  industries in order to strengthen the growth and foundation of HR internationally. 

Job postings, announcements, vacancies and current industry trends are also encouraged to be shared on this blog.  

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